A downloadable game

Don't be fooled, this bucolic landscape is home to some very mysterious characters, and strange events are taking place.

Embark for a text-based adventure to discover all the mysteries of the Highlands and its famous stone.

This game is totally free and is available only on the Playdate console. It can be played either in English or French.

You can find installation instructions here: https://help.play.date/games/sideloading/

The Simorgh is the adaptation of a game created by Philippe Fassier and published in a French magazine of the 80s, itself inspired by the novel of the same name written by Christian Charrière.

The original game on paper can be found here, page 44.

Other creations from Philippe Fassier: http://www.fassier.fr/

Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
(8 total ratings)
AuthorYellow Limehouse
Tags1-bit, Black and White, Playdate, Retro, Text based
Average sessionA few minutes
LanguagesEnglish, French
AccessibilityColor-blind friendly


Simorgh.pdx.zip 6.9 MB


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Beautiful game – would it be possible to add a list-mode icon to the game please? It's a shame to have such a good looking game missing that polished touch on the latest firmware.

Also may I ask about the artwork – was it hand drawn pen-art and then converted with a photoshop-effect to get the one-bit result. I'd love to learn the method.

Thank you for the game.

hello tu as le code source ? C’est super 👍 

hello! Je teste ton jeu demain ! Je viens d’acquérir la playdate pour sortir un jeu dessus également ( je code sur game boy n’hésite pas à passer sur mon profil ) super ton projet en tout cas. J’espère que tu vas nous proposer d’autres pépites. :)

This is indeed wonderful, but a text skip option would be invaluable. Delightful game nonetheless. 

I love it! Just made it to the credits, are there multiple good endings? Don't want to spoil anything to anyone, but I'm just curious

Great job, I like your PD adaptation! But after many retries, I can't finish the game :( And without fast-forward the text, it hurts to replay it. I need help with the game, I want to know the ending of the story :D

(1 edit)

Don't know what you did and didn't see, but I made a lot of progress after realizing you need the feather in the opening before helping the wife.

There are ofcourse other important tidbits, but I don't want to give spoilers you don't need.

With the help of the feather, I managed to move further than the tree, until the met boat with stone monsters. I would replay it further, but the problem is that the text is slow to display. The game lacks the function of instant text display.

Haha yea, I know the feeling. Story kept mee coming back though.

I didn't get stoned by the boat.

Did you not smash the statues in the workplace? Maybe that's the difference.

Sorry for spoilers;

After the second bar incident I went to the tree and lost the feather.

Then I went to recollect it before helping the mother and then I got the food.

Hope it helps :)

I got food too and recollect feather, and destroy statues. Will there be a finale after the boat? As I understood it, I had to hide from the boat.

Didn't you find Leonidas?

Wonderfully presented! Any chance to have B button reveal all text? Return to menu could move to the system menu.


Really great little visual novel, but I keep encountering an error where, after the music changes, the textbox and location transitions chug a whole lot, running at 2 frames per second. This happened with all the times I tried playing through it so far.

What is the font you use for the text? It's quite readable!

The base font name is Alagard (https://www.dafont.com/alagard.font), but I have reworked it to adapt it to the low resolution of the Playdate.

Great, thanks!


A new version 1.1 is available that fixes minor issues.

I have tried to drag the new version into the Sideload tool, but it doesn't recognize it as a new version. Is there possibly some metadata that needs to be updated?


FWIW there was a version without the metadata, and then another new version (1.1) fixed that—and for me, this latest version did update just fine via web sideload.


Can you try again with the latest upload? I have just incremented the build number and changed another setting in the metadata. I hope you'll be able to update the game.

The newest version worked, thank you!!


I have just updated the game with a new version that includes music and sounds.

Thanks for making this, it's the perfect fit for the system and has a really interesting world. I like how you move around the artwork when visiting different spots. I'm excited to see more endings :) I knew I shouldn't have (SPOILER) through that (SPOILER).

Je lance ça ce soir. Mais rien que les captures sont d'une beauté affolantes *_*


Merci :)